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Psalm 37 Week 2 {Moms in the Word}
I really love how my study guide from Doorposts helps me draw out specific themes, words, ideas, and concepts every time I read the passage. This past week we focused on do’s, don’t’s, God’s role, the righteous, and the wicked.
I loved reading through the Psalm just focusing on God because highlighting His name (Lord, Him, He, etc) draws HIM out in the passage as being my comfort, rest, and refuge. It just puts such a focus on where our trust should rest. No one but HIM can bring forth our righteousness as the light. The LORD upholds the righteous. HE is merciful. The LORD loves justice.
Pulling out what we shouldn’t do (fret) and what we should do (wait on the Lord patiently).
Our adoption process certainly put us through that fire. That’s not to say we’ve “arrived” by any means. But we have learned to trust more.
But when I read this passage, I think a lot about the world as a whole right now. I feel like there are lots of enemies out there–whether they’re principles or people, Christians are in an all out warย today.
I read the promises God has for the righteous and in such evil times, they are a comfort!
So, how are we going to stretch out reading Psalm 37 over a 30 day period? By focusing on different aspects of the Psalm every time you read through it. This study guide can help you with that. I highly recommend it.
What did you pull out of Psalm 37 this week? Link up below!
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Christin Slade
Inviting women to seek & savor the beauty of life in Christ.
Writer. Artist. Visionary.
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